Survey: What Companies are the Most Frequent Users of SMS

Retail chains became absolute leaders.

The results of 2014 reveal the following TOP-5 industries in the trend:

  • 1.267.420.024 SMS – Federal-level retail chains (all kinds of merchandise)
  • 94.380.497 SMS – Taxis and carriers (taxi booking services and logistics companies)
  • 89.102.434 SMS – Realtors (real estate companies and services)
  • 21.574.394 SMS – Auto (maintenance centers, car dealerships, dedicated web-sites)
  • 13.790.493 SMS – Entertainment (restaurants, cinemas, clubs)

The market of SMS notification for 60% consists of transaction SMS while information SMS account for the rest 40%. Transaction SMS contain information about subscriber’s bank account activity. Information traffic is divided into service and promotional. Service traffic includes messages triggered by recipient’s actions like booking of a taxi or an air ticket and notification of taxi arrival or change in the booking, purchase in a web-store and order status SMS (assembled/shipped/delivered). Promotional traffic contains messages promoting goods or services.
